Ripples of Love
Since its inception in November 2013, Author's United (AU) is committed to produce books of international standards. Its first anthology “A Pinch of Love, Peace and Humanity” was a collection of short stories and poetry written by 10 internationally published authors from different parts of the world. “A Pinch of Love, Peace and Humanity” has successfully advocated the message of peace, love and humanity throughout the world. Reviewers from print, electronic and social media have appreciated the anthology and its positive impact on the readers. Author's United is proudly presenting the second anthology “Ripples of Love” in continuation of its previous efforts. “Ripples of Love” is a collection of short stories and poetry written by 16 internationally acclaimed authors from nine different countries including Canada, India, Israel, Nigeria, Pakistan, Trinidad & Tobago, USA, Zambia and Zimbabwe. As apparent from the lineup of authors, the readers will again find a true blend of different styles, different cultures and different social norms in this anthology. However, there is only one thing that put aside our differences and bind us, that beautiful thing is called “Love” and the “Love” is portrayed by all authors in their diversified styles within their work. A reader's mind will oscillate between the real-life experiences and world of imagination, as he or she is presented with 24 different stories, formulated by authors of different age groups and literary experiences.The fictional lovers will find the paintings of love in many different canvasses within “Ripples of Love”. This anthology is a compilation of stories, poems, prose poetry, essays, anecdotes, short poems and Haiku etc. “Ripples of Love” has as many ripples of different wavelengths and frequency as an anthology could have. You just have to touch one of the ripples with love to create more ripples of love. The preface from Kulbhushan Trehan has expressed the true soul of this anthology.It is an honor to thank all the authors who contributed to this anthology – Archana Kapoor Nagpal, Brian Johnston, Bruce Colbert, Daren Despot, Dominique Wilkins, Earlymay Chibende, Hammad Khan, Kulbhushan Trehan, Lakshmi C Radhakrishnan , Lori Ann McNeilly, Madhu Kalyan, Mbono Dube, Ndaba Sibanda, Rita Odeh, Sugata Mukhopadhyay and Sunday Igwebuike who made this international project feasible through their sincere participation and dedication.