The Ethnography of the Western Tribe of Torres Straits
Part I, p.297-387; Location of Kowraregas, Muralegas, Italegas, Badulegas, Gumulegas, Kulkalegas, Massilegas; arithmetic, counting; diseases and native remedies; plant foods, cooking; cannibalism; narcotics; crime and punishment; trade in canoes; sexual relations; religious beliefs, soul, future life, spirits, ancestral cults, fetishism, superstitions, magic and divination; government, leaders; weapons, bows and arrows, javelin and throwing stick, stone and wooden clubs; laws of real property, inheritance; punishments; etiquette for meeting, hospitality; totemic food taboos, speech restrictions; Trade 1) intra - insular, 2) with Daudai, 3) with Cape York; exchange values; war and fighting (brief versions of myths given); hunting and fishing; agriculture; social relationships, marriage, widows, abortion and infanticide; education, games and amusements, dancing (masks, body decorations); body painting and scarification, hair dressing, ornaments; cranial deformation; painting (pigments, brushes); music and musical instruments, gives 4 line song set to music with separate free translation (Thursday Island), words of 4 songs (two from Mabuiag with free translation, two from Muralug in English only); navigation, canoes; fire, string making; p.388-437; Part II, deals with each island separately - Saibai, Dauan, Boigu, Mabuiag, Badu, Tud, Yam, Nagir, Waraber, Masig, Damut, Moa, Muralug; plates show cicatrice patterns, headdress, bow and arrows; map shows native names, English names given in separate list.