Recent Advances in Ophthalmology - 10
The tenth volume of Recent Advances in Ophthalmology contains some selected chapters on cornea, uvea, secondary glaucoma, lens, retina, oculoplastic surgery, and neuro-ophthalmic disorders. First time in the serial publication, three editorials—artificial cornea, diabetic retinopathy, and endophthalmitis are included to provide an over view of the problem to the reader. Recent advances in ophthalmology have considerably improved the quality of medical and surgical management of the patients with eye diseases. Besides editorial on artificial cornea, five articles are included on cornea. Sinha and coauthors have described corneal dystrophies in great detail covering prevalence, international classification, inheritance, histopathology, clinical features and treatment. Hopefully, the postgraduate students in ophthalmology and general ophthalmic practitioners will find the present volume helpful not only in the basic understanding of new developments in the subject but also in day-to-day clinical practice and care of the patients.