The Second Edition of the book encompasses two new chapters—Strategic Cost Management and Business Ethics—A Strategic Financial Management Instrument. The book, being an augmented version of the previous edition, equips the young managers with the fundamentals and basics of strategic management and financial management in a cogent manner. The text now provides a better orientation to the students on the topics like corporate restructuring, divestitures, acquisitions, and mergers in the global context with the help of examples and caselets. The book has been revised keeping in view the requirements of postgraduate students of management and the students pursuing professional courses such as CA, MFC and CS. In addition, professionals working in the corporate sector may also find the book beneficial to integrate the financial management functions into business strategy and financial operations. Distinctive features • Model question papers have been appended at the end of the book. • Better justification of topics by merging the contents wherever required. • Theory supported with caselets inspired from global as well as Indian context.