Potato Cytology and Genetics
A. PREVIOUS REVIEWS The review by Sw AMI NATHAN and HOWARD (1953) on "The Cytology and Genetics of the Potato (Solanum tuberosum) and Related Species" provides a convenient starting place for a consideration of recent advances in our knowledge of the cytology and genetics of potatoes. Taken together with FRUWIRTH (1925) and SWAMI NATHAN and HOWARD (1953), the present compilation should give a comprehensive survey of published work to the middle of 1959. In assembling the data for this review, use has been made of "Plant Breeding Abstracts," starting with Volume 22, No. 1 (January, 1952) and ending with Volume 29, No. 4 (October 1959). In these eight volumes of "Plant Breeding Abstracts" there are about 1,400 ab stracts in the potato section. However, because many of these ab stracts are concerned only with potato breeding and variety testing, it has been possible to reduce the number of references in the bibli ography to just over 600, about 50 of which are not to be found in the potato section of "Plant Breeding Abstracts. " It is to be expected in compiling a review of this size that there must be some omissions and mistakes. The author apologises for these, and he would be pleased to be informed of them. B. SYSTEMATICS I.