If God Wants Me Well, Why Am I Sick?
A paralyzed youth declares his faith, gets out of bed, and walks. A permanently injured pilot determines to fly again and regains perfect health. A woman battles breast cancer with only her faith in God and recovers. While a reporter explores these and many other supernatural healings, she discovers not one person ever doubted it was Gods will to heal. Ford asked the universal questions while exploring the scriptures in support of these miracles. Before she completed the book, she took hold of truth and experienced her own healing from a painful condition she had suffered for more than twenty years. Here is a set of toolsweapons of warfaregleaned from victorious believers; these are tools you can wield as you develop your own faith for healing. The study questions are insightful, thought provoking, and faith building. God truly rewards those who diligently seek Him. He promises that if you seek, you shall find. This book is for those who seek, knock, and ask until they find the victory.