Survey of Available High Pressure Pneumatic Components
The response of approximately 340 manufacturers of pneumatic components, from 622 contacted, has revealed that over 30 companies list items rated for pressures of 10,000 psi or greater and over 40 list items above 5000 psi. Several items are rated for 30,000, 60,000, 75,000, and 150,000 psi. Most of the components rated for 10,000 psi or greater pressures are miniature or designed for low volume flow. Approximately ten companies list large volume components rated for pressure of 10,000 psi. Information was requested on the following components: filters, relief valves, regulators, check valves, solenoid valves, hand valves, shutoff valves, and flex hose. However, other components have been listed, including those rated for 5000 psi or higher pressures. (Author).