Insignificant, introverted, self-pitiful, inferiority-complexed, always bullied, resentful, and vindictive Leroy Bubba Arkansas had always been so ashamed of his name. Somehow, through his own endeavor and special fortune, he acquired some unexplained supernatural power. Thus, equipped and later officially changing his legal name to Lawrence Brooke Acansato as he initially only set out to get even with those who ill-treated him, he became entangled with underground organized crime behind health-care management organizations with unethical as well as criminal practices. He found himself becoming also a target of the multiple homicides he was investigating. As he endeavored to help others, he found himself also really becoming the able, proud, outgoing, vigilant, and confident advocate Lawrence Brooke Acansato always aspired to be, and he tried to metamorphose into someone who could speak for the underdog, help the bullied, avenge the oppressed, and punish criminals, as well as those who engaged in and perpetuated injustice, thus winning the heart of his love.