Governmental and Institutional Policies on Foreign Students
This document analyzes, compares, and evaluates foreign student policies of governments and higher education institutions throughout the Western world and it also provides an extensive bibliography of materials on this topic. After a brief introductory chapter providing definitions and delineating categories of policy issues, the following topics are discussed in part 1: (1) recent refound interest in policy formation; (2) policy issues at the national and institutional level relating to population; (3) policy issues at the national and institutional level relating to economics; (4) graduate student policy issues; (5) policy implications of home government concerns; and (6) policy rationale for admitting foreign students. Appended to part 1 are a summary of key national policy issues in the areas of population, economics, and foreign policy and key institutional policy issues in the areas of population, logistics, administration, and academics, along with statistical charts. Part 2, the bibliography, is divided into the following sections: general aspects of policy, government policies in general, institutional policies on foreign students, foreign student policy and development aid, population issues, policy rationale for admitting foreign students, recruitment and admission, curriculum and training, economics and finance, graduate students, student services, and policies in socialist nations. (TE)