The Invisible Woman Becomes Visible!
The name of this book was derived from a college course, Systems Theory of Psychology. One of the major lessons I learned was, when people don't value you, they can make you invisible. Invisibility can be perpetuated in many different ways. To illustrate this truth, mixtures of corporate stories are shared. Identities of people and companies have been concealed. The professor who taught Systems Theory of Psychology said, "There should always be a learning process in everything we do." I asked him what I should learn from supporting an international sales force of fourteen people without appreciation and recognition. He enthusiastically responded, "You may have to learn it is time to look for another job." That psychology class became my therapy, which helped me to walk through the final days of my employment at that company and prepared me for my next chapter. Most of my thirty-seven-year corporate journey was spent in a secretarial/administrative role. Frankly, I had one of the best seats in the house. While supporting the senior leaders of companies, I learned a lot from the letters I typed, the papers I filed, the phone messages I took, the emails I read, and the conversations I overheard. Corporate America matured me and provided me with transferable skills. When I began working in corporate America, I was invisible, a shy, quiet, naive, young woman. Amazingly, I walked out a visible woman, stronger, confident, with leadership skills. Two nonprofit organizations emerged from me: a church, Cathedral of Faith International Ministries, Inc., and a personal ministry organization, Gwen Wheeler International Ministries, Inc. Additionally, after graduating from Rittners School of Floral Design in 2009, I started my floral design business, Sensational Floral Designs by Gwendolyn. May your journey through corporate America birth out of you stories that will heal, restore, and rescue others out of their invisibility. Don't give up! You are a champion, my friend. Visibility is on the horizon. Embrace it fiercely!