Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Language, Art and Cultural Exchange (ICLACE 2023)
This is an open access book. The 4th International Conference on Language, Art and Cultural Exchange (ICLACE 2023) will be held on May 19–21, 2023 in Hangzhou, China. Culture includes language, which is a special cultural phenomenon. For culture, most scholars agree that it mainly includes two aspects: material culture and spiritual culture. Specific examples to show cultural phenomena will be of great benefit to our understanding. Some examples of material culture are listed here: Indian women wear saris, Japanese like to eat sashimi, and Chinese like to shake hands when meeting each other. These are various manifestations of material culture in different nations. Language is the mode of transmission of culture. Language is one of the most important ways of thinking and cultural exchange of human beings, which is actually the manifestation of the formation and transmission of culture. Because of thinking, human beings gradually create culture in the continuous social practice, and then spread their national culture to each other in the continuous language exchange. Since ancient times, art and culture have been going hand in hand and complementing each other. On the one hand, art is an important connotation and component of culture, and the progress of art is the driving force of cultural development. On the other hand, culture is the source and content of art, and the prosperity of culture is the key to improve the level of art. On the other hand, culture is the source and content of art, and the prosperity of culture is the key to improving the level of art. Therefore, whether it is culture or art, it is not only a symbol of an era, a representation of people’s life style, but also a guide to the direction of social development. The relationship between language, art and cultural communication is a hot topic for many scholars to study at present. Therefore, an academic conference is set up for authors to discuss related research issues and exchange new ideas, hoping that scholars can burst out more excellent and valuable ideas in this conference. ICLACE 2023 is to bring together innovative academics and industrial experts in the field of Literature, Art and Cultural Exchange research to a common forum. The primary goal of the conference is to provide a platform for scientists, scholars, and engineers from all over the world to present ongoing research activities, fostering the research and business relations and promoting scientific information interchange and cooperation between all the participants.