Astroparticle Physics
This volume contains detailed articles by theorists and experimentalists in the newly developing field of astroparticle physics. A large variety of topics are covered. These include the role of neutrinos in astroparticle physics, big bang nucleosynthesis, string theory and cosmology. Contents: The Highest Energy Cosmic Rays, Gamma-Rays and Neutrinos: Facts, Fancy and Resolution (F Halzen); Big Bang Nucleosynthesis, Implications of Recent CMB Data and Supersymmetric Dark Matter (K Olive); Research Program of the TEXENO Collaboration: Status and Highlights (H T-K Wong & J Li); New Results from AMS Cosmic Ray Measurements (M A Huang); Measurement of Attenuation Length in Rock Salt and Limestone in Radio Wave for Ultra-High Energy Neutrino Detector (M Chiba et al.); Expected Performance of a Neutrino Telescope for Seeing AGN/GC Behind a Mountain (G W S Hou & M A Huang); Galactic High-Energy Cosmic-Ray Tau Neutrino Flux (K Cheung et al.); On Non Hadronic Origin of High Energy Neutrinos (H Athar & G-L Lin); Questions in Cosmology and Particle Astrophysics (W-Y P Hwang); Noncommutative Early Universe (P-M Ho); Cosmological Constant, Quintessence and Mini-Universes (X-G He); Stability of the Anisotropic Brane Cosmology (W F Kao); Dark Energy, Primordial Magnetic Fields, and Time-Varying Fine-Structure Constant (K-W Ng). Readership: Graduate students and researchers in astrophysics and high energy physics.