Virtually everything you have been led to believe in regards to losing weight is WRONG! The problem with pretty much every so called weight loss program and weight loss book out there is that all the information is just recycled information. Information that helps you minimally and only helps you externally, not internally. This sets you up for future failures. Book 2 in the Be Your Own Coach Book Series: Be Your Own Health and Wellness Coach takes on a different approach from other health and wellness books – this book helps you to deal with your struggles from the inside out, not the outside in. So from that standpoint, this is NOT your typical cookie-cutter book that falsely promises you how to lose weight fast by trying yet another useless diet and exercise program that guarantees that you will be ripped in 30 days. Sure, everyone wants to burn fat and build muscle, but how do you go about making this a sustainable and permanent lifestyle change, while learning to deal with your internal issues? If you want to achieve sustainable weight loss, then drop the cookie-cutter, magic pill solutions, and now. All they will do is empty your wallet. Healthy living starts from the inside, NOT the outside. The proven coaching exercises in this book will help you to deal with your emotional struggles so that your weight loss goals will be sustainable. Although some of what is covered in this short book does deal with health and fitness, as well as health and nutrition, they are not the primary focus of this book. Learning to live a happy life doesn’t come with the new fad diet. Living a happy life; a TRULY happy life comes from developing healthy habits! The coaching exercises in this book will help you accomplish this. As I am fond of saying: Transform Your Habits, Transform Your Mind, and Transform Your Life! Always remember: Change begins with you!