Cancer and the Lord's Prayer
Do you long for God's healing touch as you struggle through cancer but aren't sure how to attain it? Does fear crowd your faith as it often does for many people? Are your support network and medical team causing you to question your trust in God? Is it difficult, if not seemingly impossible, for you to imagine that your illness can be used to bring blessings to yourself and others? Distilled from over twenty years of helping people through the cancer journey-along with his own battle and profound test of faith as a cancer patient-Greg Anderson's loving, insightful message in Cancer & The Lord's Prayer will inspire you to see history's greatest prayer in a whole new light, bringing comfort to even the most troubled and doubtful of God's children. In ten concise but thought-provoking chapters-each focused on examining a segment of the prayer's words-the author shares how and why recitation of The Lord's Prayer is the essential recipe for healing the soul. For the person ready for spiritual growth, the liturgy offers a gateway for thinking that allows us to understand: ? we must begin to see ourselves in the deeply loving way that God sees us ? equating cancer to punishment makes healing exceedingly difficult ? fear, anger, and guilt directly impair immune function while love, joy, and peace strengthen it ? forgiveness is central to the path of wellness ? the number of possible channels through which healing may occur are infinite but the Source of each is One By encouraging us to consider that God may be using our experience to bring a little heaven to earth or to help others in a similar situation, and by helping us realize that the soul may need repair before dis-ease can dissipate, Cancer & The Lord's Prayer offers a new, enlightening perspective to those longing for meaning, hope, and connection in the face of cancer diagnosis, all while offering a blueprint for physical, emotional, and spiritual healing.