Guide to the Rules Relating to the Conduct of Members
The Committee on Standards and Privileges published its Third Report of Session 2012-13, Proposed Revisions to the Guide to the Rules relating to the conduct of Members1 on 4 December 2012 (HC 636, ISBN 9780215050939). There have been a number of developments since that report. The most significant is the publication of the Group of States Against Corruption (GRECO) Fourth Evaluation Round Report on Corruption Prevention in respect of members of Parliament, judges and prosecutors in the UK ( The GRECO report positively noted that: The United Kingdom has taken important steps to strive for improvement in the prevention of corruption in all three sectors of activity subject to the present evaluation. These steps are in addition to the fact that Members of Parliament, judges and prosecutors do not have any general immunity from prosecution for criminal conduct. It made several recommendations directed at the legislative assemblies in the United Kingdom. There was close involvement in the process which meant that the Committee and the Commissioner were able to consider the GRECO recommendations in the course of revising the Guide to the Rules, even though the report itself had not yet been published. The current report presents and discusses each of the GRECO recommendations, specifically those relating the House of Commons. It also covers revisions to the seven principles of public life recently recommended by the Committee on Standards in Public Life, the penalties applicable in case of breaches of the rules, and the date on which any revised Guide should come into force.