Regional Development Agencies and the Local Democracy, Economic Development and Construction Bill: Report, together with formal minutes
The Local Democracy, Economic Development and Construction Bill proposes substantial changes to the way that economic development policies are delivered. The four main proposals relating to economic development are: merging the existing regional economic and spatial strategies into a single integrated regional strategy, with local authorities and regional development agencies (RDAs) being jointly responsible for its drafting and agreement; giving local authorities the duty to undertake an economic assessment of their areas; devolving funding to local authorities to enable them, rather than RDAs, to deliver economic development policies; and encouraging collaboration between local authorities in delivering these policies. The Committee notes the strong support for a level of governance between central government and local authorities for the delivery of economic development policies and business support. The Committee would have liked more evidence about the effectiveness of RDAs and it is surprised the Government has proceeded with plans to restructure the way regional policy is made before the review of RDAs the Government has commissioned from PricewaterhouseCoopers is available. The Committee expresses concern over some proposals contained in the Bill: most importantly, there needs to be a proper balance between RDAs' business focus and the role of councillors in representing the views of their constituents. The proposals in the Bill about the relationship between RDAs and local authorities place too much weight on the views of RDAs and business interests, particularly during the drafting and agreement of the single integrated regional strategy. The role of local authorities - and of the communities they represent - must be strengthened. Many of the provisions of the Bill need clarifying.