Draft Marine Bill: Report and formal minutes
This Draft Marine Bill (Cm. 7351, ISBN 9780101735124) contains the following: a policy paper; the draft Marine Bill and explanatory notes; an impact assessment. The Bill sets out the Government's approach to a number of marine related issues, including environmental protection of the coastal marine environment and the seas surrounding the coast as well as access to the coastal environment for recreation. The legislation set out in this Bill was originally proposed in "Sea Change", a Marine White Paper, published in March 2007 (Cm. 7047, ISBN 9780101704724). The White Paper itself had proposed a strategic system of marine planning to balance conservation, energy and resource needs, using the principle of sustainable development. The Draft proposals in this Bill puts the earlier proposals of the White Paper into a legislative framework, which includes: the creation of the Marine Management Organisation; deliverance of new marine planning systems, including establishing new powers to enable the Government to put in place a network of marine conservation zones to protect marine life; better licensing decisions for licensing activities in the seas; reforms to a range of marine, migratory and freshwater fisheries management arrangements; allow greater access to the English coast. Comments on the Draft Bill should be submitted in writing by 26 June 2008.