Financial Sector Resolution
The 2007-09 financial crisis exposed a great many flaws in the global financial system. To address the problems a wide-ranging programme of banking and wider financial sector reform is underway at European and global level. When it came into office, the Government asked the Independent Commission on Banking to recommend ways to strengthen the resilience of the banking system and promote competition and has published a white paper (Cm. 8356, ISBN 9780101835626) setting out how it would implement those recommendations. Banks, though, are only part of the financial system. Other types of financial institutions can also pose a risk to financial stability, if there is no way for them to fail safely. In this paper, the Government now sets out proposals and questions for consultation on enhancing the mechanisms available for dealing with the failure of systemically important non-banks. It covers four broad groups: investment firms, central counterparties (CCPs); non-CCP financial market infrastructure (non-CCP FMIs); and insurers. However the Government does not preclude the possibility of other types of non-bank - for example, hedge funds, or non-bank finance companies - of being systemically important and welcomes all evidence. This document includes indicative draft legislative clauses for certain key aspects of envisaged resolution regimes