The Kingdom Case Against Cessationism
This is a twelve-essay book arguing against the theological doctrine of charismata cessation. These essays were written by nine well-respected Bible scholars: Michael L. Brown, Randy Clark, Robert W. Graves, Gary S. Greig, James Hernando, Derek Morphew, Jon M. Ruthven, Graham H. Twelftree, and Don Williams, with an endorsement by Dr. Sam Storms and a Foreword by Dr. Craig S. Keener, who writes, "The book's thesis is compelling: The king who is yet to return and consummate his kingdom has already come once and thus inaugurated that kingdom. Jesus demonstrated God's reign through signs and empowered his followers by his Spirit to continue his mission to the world. To doubt these theses is to doubt central claims of the gospel-Jesus's kingship, his promised role as Spirit-baptizer, his mission that must be continued until he returns. The exalted Lord who began pouring out the Spirit "in the last days" certainly didn't pour the Spirit back, as if it is now earlier than the last days. The kingdom that Jesus inaugurated continues to advance as we continue to preach and demonstrate the good news of his reign." Dr. Sam Storms endorses it, writing, "The book's thesis is compelling: The king who is yet to return and consummate his kingdom has already come once and thus inaugurated that kingdom. Jesus demonstrated God's reign through signs and empowered his followers by his Spirit to continue his mission to the world. To doubt these theses is to doubt central claims of the gospel-Jesus's kingship, his promised role as Spirit-baptizer, his mission that must be continued until he returns. While they do not require the extremist "charismatic" position that some cessationists criticize (e.g., everyone should get healed in this life), they do require a sober continuationism. The exalted Lord who began pouring out the Spirit "in the last days" certainly didn't pour the Spirit back, as if it is now earlier than the last days. The kingdom that Jesus inaugurated continues to advance as we continue to preach and demonstrate the good news of his reign."