Britain 1895-1960
New for the 2008 specifications this book includes material from Victorian society to the impact of the Second World War. With historical interpretations, document source questions, explanation of difficult words and concepts, a study skills section for exam preparation and visuals to support learning available online. Contents: Study and examination skills 1 Britain 1895-1960: A synoptic overview 2 The changing position of women and the suffrage question, 1860-1930 3 The era of Conservative domination and the rise of Labour,1895-1906 4 The Liberals in power, 1905-1915 5 The decline of the Liberal Party, 1910-1931 6 Social and economic history, 1918-1939 7 The Conservative Party, 1918-1939 8 The Labour Party, 1918-1939 9 British foreign and imperial policy, 1918-1939 10 The Second World War, 1939-1945 11 Britain and the challenge of Fascism: Saving Europe at a cost? 1925-1960 12 The Labour government, home and abroad, 1945 13 Britain and Ireland, 1914-2007 Index