Science and Technology in the Academic Enterprise
The Government-University-Industry Research Roundtable created a working group of government officials, corporate executives, university administrators, and scientists to examine current trends in the university research enterprise, predict the impact of trends on the future of the enterprise, determine the options for the future of the enterprise, and explore national strategies for meeting the challenges of the future. The working group's progress in analyzing the status of scientific and technological research in academic settings and identifying central issues is described. The first section outlines the status, trends, and issues in academic research in science and technology. Identified trends include the following: (1) the environment in which the academic research community must function will increase in complexity; (2) during the next decade, faculty retirements will increase demand for academic research personnel; and (3) sustaining the quality of current research institutions and programs is increasingly expensive. The second part summarizes trends and distributions in national and academic research and development expenditures, total academic expenditures and revenues, academic personnel, higher education enrollments, and science and engineering degrees. A substantial number of illustrative graphs are included. (MSE)