Family Relational Health, a Biblical, Psycho-social Priority
Family Relational Health, A Biblical Psycho-social Priority is a new and innovative approach, addressing the ever-growing complex dynamic challenges of modern family life. The book calls for raising the bar from the societal stigmas and taboos that negatively impact family counselling services, and elevate such care to “treatment” as in medical practice, hence the tagline “Treating relationships the healthy way” This is a smelting pot of over five decades of personal and professional experience in marriage, parenting, educational administration, human resource management, school and police chaplaincy, research, writing and broadcasting in the international field across the Caribbean, USA, Canada, Central America, Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia and the Middle East. The book is strongly anchored in the Bible, (‘God’s Family Book’), with up-to-date teaching son psychological, sociological and human behavioural practices and principles. Its 12 Chapters are securely anchored on a well-calibrated blend of history and current international affairs in health, education, business and virtually all matters impacting the quality of family life world-wide. It is complemented and paralleled with medical analogies, principles and lessons, advocating for balancing physiological healthcare of the body with psychological healthcare of the mind, focusing specifically on Family Relational Healthcare and differentiating it from the traditional focus on mental health and illness. Must-reads include the family relational health perspectives on current international issues: *Will Smith-Chris Rock’s 2022 Academy Award Debacle; *Putin’s 2022 Russian-Ukraine War; *The 2020 Tokyo Olympics Motto “United by Emotions” & Lessons from Naomi Osaka and Simone Biles; *British PM Boris Johnson & Nineveh King’s national crisis leadership compared.; *The new theory on The DNRA of Family Relationship; *The innovative idea of an International Treatment Centre and Resort called a Respital as the ultimate advocacy for the delivery of Family Relational Healthcare.