Living Your Life in Joy
How can you begin to live your life joyfully each and every day? How can you identify within yourself thoughts and feelings that prevent you from being joyful? From the beginning to end, this book provides insights into these and other questions. These may arise from the present or past and expose the deepest yearnings of your spirit. Have you ever wondered, Why did I do that? or How in the world did I get into this? Many of us have asked these questions and many more. Through insightful commentary and the sharing of his own spiritual journey, the author invites you to examine your own life experiences. You will come to understand what the unification of mind, body, and spirit truly means. Along the way you will find reunion with God. You will begin living your life in joy through understanding oneness. In that life should be a fascinating voyage of discovery, the author has long been intrigued by why we seem to respond to lifes circumstances in very similar ways. From an early age, he sought to find answers to the reasons behind our actions. Why did events, in many instances, come in repetitive cycles? Why do many of us emit preprogrammed responses to the simplest of questions we encounter on a daily basis? The responses often appeared to be automatic and devoid of conscious thought. What was the underlying cause? Did people really stop and think about what they said and why? Did people really take notice of the world around them, or were they just going through a daily routine on automatic pilot? Coupled with these questions was the search for spiritual truth. His early exposure to spirituality was not gained through organized faith. Principles of living, that is, the way to conduct your life, was taught by his family. His one experience with organized religion at the age of six is revealed within the narrative as well as the search that followed for many years. This culminated in an event at thirty-seven that was to change his life. Over the next twenty years, he gradually began to put together each event that had occurred to form a cohesive picture of all life experiences. A series of challenges that followed was the key to unlock the door to a heightened awareness and expanded consciousness. These events reached their climax when he had to face the thing he feared most. That was surgery. This was another milestone in spiritual growth. The experience transformed his life. It was as if a door was opened to previously unknown levels of awareness. Inspiration flowed. The dots were connected. Life suddenly made perfect sense, not only within himself but on a universal level as well. That which he had been searching for all his life became manifested. He had come to understand and live oneness. Throughout this book, the author shares with you the steps that outline and explain the process of awakening as he experienced them. They may serve to assist the reader not only to attain an in-depth understanding but also to provide a benchmark to help you assess your own spiritual growth. This enables the contents to be practically applied in terms of your actual life experiences, not just in a theoretical manner. It is the authors intent to afford the reader with practical knowledge to accelerate your spiritual advancement along the path to oneness by pointing out the misconceptions he had to work through and their often-discomforting results. Perhaps these will be of benefit to you in your own spiritual development. If so, then the authors intent will have been achieved. The following is an excerpt from the book. Our purpose throughout these pages is to become aware of who we are, why we are here, and what we came here to do. To understand that no matter what our circumstances in life may be, we can live our lives in happiness and joy. We reach this level of consciousness by understanding oneness. Oneness, simply stated, is the unification of all life.