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MCSE Training Guide (70-270)
MCSE Training Guide (70-270)
Annotation Expert Insight. Both authors are Microsoft-certified Windows XP specialists. Comprehensive. Organized according to the actual exam objectives, our Training Guide series features Exam Tips, Study Strategies, Step-by-Step Exercises, Case Studies, Summaries & Review Breaks, Review Questions, Exam Questions, Hands-On Exercises, Guided Practice Exercises, Fast Facts, etc. - providing readers with the most effective learning tools in the marketplace. Innovative. Our Training Guide series features our acclaimed Exam Gear software - enhancing our readers' learning experience by providing them with powerful test simulation. About the Author: Robert L. Bogue, MCSE, CNA, A+, Network+, I-Net+, Server+, e-Biz+, IT Project+, and CDIA+, has contributed to over 100 book projects, numerous magazine articles, and reviews. His broad experience has led him to networking and integration topics as well as software development. nbsp; Gord Barker, MCSE, currently works as a Senior Consultant for Microsoft Canada Co. in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. He worked with Telus to complete the largest single rollout of Windows 2000 to occur prior to the product launch. He currently works with large customers to deploy Microsoft technology.
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MCSE Windows 2000 Professional Training Guide
MCSE Windows 2000 Professional Training Guide
Windows 2000 is the most highly anticipated software and certification upgrade in years. This book addresses the major structure changes that have happened within the certification process, including changes in testing format and required knowledge areas. The CD-ROM feature hands-on practice and test simulation software.
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