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Kant on Culture, Happiness and Civilization
Kant on Culture, Happiness and Civilization
This book joins the contemporary recovery of Kant’s empirical works to highlight the relevance of his concept of culture for understanding the sources of various characteristic modern dilemmas, such as the tension between culture and happiness, the morally ambivalent nature of cultural progress, or the existing conflicts between a factual plurality of cultures and the historical forces pressing toward a universal civilization. The book will be of special interest for Kantian scholars, moral and political philosophers, as well as philosophers of culture.
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Contemporary Perspectives on Natural Law
Contemporary Perspectives on Natural Law
Resorting to natural law is one way of conveying the philosophical conviction that moral norms are not merely conventional rules. Accordingly, the notion of natural law has a clear metaphysical dimension, since it involves the recognition that human beings do not conceive themselves as sheer products of society and history. And yet, if natural law is to be considered the fundamental law of practical reason, it must show also some intrinsic relationship to history and positive law. The essays in this book examine this tension between the metaphysical and the practical and how the philosophical elaboration of natural law presents this notion as a "limiting-concept", between metaphysics and ethics, between the mutable and the immutable; between is and ought, and, in connection with the latter, even the tension between politics and eschatology as a double horizon of ethics. This book, contributed to by scholars from Europe and America, is a major contribution to the renewed interest in natural law. It provides the reader with a comprehensive overview of natural law, both from a historical and a systematic point of view. It ranges from the mediaeval synthesis of Aquinas through the early modern elaborations of natural law, up to current discussions on the very possibility and practical relevance of natural law theory for the contemporary mind.
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Walt Whitman
Walt Whitman
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Critical Studies in Fashion and Beauty
Critical Studies in Fashion and Beauty
Includes articles from the first volume of the journal 'Critical Studies in Fashion & Beauty' with an additional editorial on the auction prices of fashion collectibles.
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Decentering the Nation
Decentering the Nation
winner of the 2021 Ellen Koskoff Edited Volume Prize Decentering the Nation: Music, Mexicanidad, and Globalization considers how neoliberal capitalism has upset the symbolic economy of “Mexican” cultural discourse, and how this phenomenon touches on a broader crisis of representation affecting the nation-state in globalization. This book argues that, while mexicanidad emerged in the early twentieth century as a cultural trope about national origins, culture, and history, it was, nonetheless a trope steeped in ‘otherization’ and used by nation-states (Mexico and the United States) to legitimize narratives of cultural and socioeconomic development stemming out of nationalist political projects that are now under strain. Using music as a phenomenological platform of inquiry, contributors to this book focus on a critique of mexicanidad in terms of the cultural processes through which people contest ideas about race, gender, and sexuality; reframe ideas of memory, history, and belonging; and negotiate the experiences of dislocation that affect them. The volume urges readers to find points of resonance in its chapters, and thus, interrogate the asymmetrical ways in which power traverses their own historical experience. In light of the crisis in representation that currently affects the nation-state as a political unit in globalization, such resonance is critical to make culture an arena of social collusion, where alliances can restore the fiber of civil society and contest the pressures that have made disenfranchisement one of the most alarming features characterizing the complex relationships between the state and the neoliberal corporate system that seeks to regulate it. Scholars of history, international relations, cultural anthropology, Latin American studies, queer and gender studies, music, and cultural studies will find this book particularly useful.
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El Bosque Mágico (Bilingual) - the Enchanted Forest
El Bosque Mágico (Bilingual) - the Enchanted Forest
En el Bosque Mágico, un gran río brilla con piedras preciosas de mil colores. A lo largo de sus orillas, dos reinos coexisten sin conocerse. En la región cubierta de nieve, habitan las hadas con sus amigos unicornios y osos polares. Al otro lado, donde siempre hace calor, los elfos viven felices con dragones y aves fénix. Cuando una misteriosa amenaza surge en el corazón del bosque, descubrirán que la verdadera magia nace de la amistad y la unión. In the Enchanted Forest, a great river glimmers with precious stones of a thousand colors. Along its banks, two kingdoms coexist, unaware of one another. In the snow-covered region, fairies dwell with their unicorn and polar bear friends. On the other side, where it's always warm, elves live happily with dragons and phoenixes. When a mysterious threat emerges in the heart of the forest, they will all discover that true magic is born from friendship and unity.
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Educating Latino Students
Educating Latino Students
Latino/a students are in a unique position in today's society; teachers and administrators are in an influential position in educating them. Community, parents, and educators alike are poised to enable these students to gain the education they need for success. Chapters by recognized authors and successful practitioners explain theory with actual applicable examples, demonstrating where and how education is successfully working for Latino students.
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Uncertain Mirrors
Uncertain Mirrors
Uncertain Mirrors realigns magical realism within a changing critical landscape, from Aristotelian mimesis to Adorno's concept of negative dialectics. In between, the volume traverses a vast theoretical arena, from postmodernism and postcolonialism to Lévinasian philosophy and eco-criticism. The volume opens and closes with dialectical instability, as it recasts the mutability of the term "mimesis" as both a "world-reflecting" and a "world-creating" mechanism. Magical realism, the authors contend, offers another stance of the possible; it also situates the reader at a hybrid aesthetic matrix inextricably linked to postcolonial theory, postmodernism, Bakhtinian theory, and quantum physics. As Uncertain Mirrors explores, magical realist texts partake of modernist exhaustion as much as of postmodernist replenishment, yet they stem from a different "location of culture" and "direction of culture;" they offer complex aesthetic artifacts that, in their recreation of alternative geographic and semiotic spaces, dislocate hegemonic texts and ideologies. Their unrealistic excess effects a breach in the totalized unity represented by 19th century realism, and plays the dissonant chord of the particular and the non-identical.
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