Goldilocks and the Three Bears - the Autobiography of Goldie Locks
Fantasying is believing... Overture By: Briar Rose Having personally known Goldie for quite some time as well as being one who understands the importance of sleep, I was quite honoured when asked if I'd write this opening passage. As you probably know, I've attained a level of notoriety myself partially as a result of my own somnambulism. So there are lines of symmetry between our two lives. In the coming pages, you will get a chance to know the real Goldie Locks in ways that only her closest allies ever have. I'll warn you, she can be bawdy to the point of being considered by some a bit crass. She's opinionated, tenacious, and, at times, quite feisty and verbose. Those times are just about any time she's awake. Personally, I have always loved her brashness. With Goldie, there are no gray areas. What you see is what you get. She's a straight shooter and doesn't hold back anything here within these pages. She's not one who'll reserve her thoughts nor should she. What choice does she really have? She is who she is, and, as she states throughout this edition, if she doesn't tell her story, who will? So, as that wonderfully articulate and verbose American sportscaster, the late Howard Cosell, used to say, Goldie "tells it like it is". But beyond that, there is always the question as to what really makes up a life's story? Is it the story of one isolated incident or is it the spirit of a life? In my opinion, the focus with Goldie has always been wrongly placed on that chance encounter in the woods. There is so much more to her story, and she has definitely been silent far too long. Like one checked out from the public library in 1928 but not returned until 1957, this book is more than overdue. As you will discover, this is a story of survival against insurmountable odds. It's a story of personal conquest and perseverance in her battle for truth and justice in the face of bullying by the world's media. It's the true story of a life that has been erroneously overshadowed by one, lone event which, itself, has been mischaracterized for decades. If she had just gone about her business and hadn't dozed off for a few minutes, her life would have been completely different. And so you are about to read the unabridged memoirs of one of the Fairytale Forest's most misunderstood and miscast "villainesses". I use the term villainess only because that's the way people have chosen to portray her. But as you will discover, the label is a misnomer. In fact, it's about as far from reality as anything can be. So this is simply the "other side" of the story. It's been told many times by many different people in many different ways. However, the one person who has yet to chime in is the one who was truly an eyewitness to everything that occurred not only on that fateful day but over the course of her entire life. This is the "true" story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Cheers... Her Highness, Princess Aurora