“I’m just a bobber on the water; I go with the flow.” These words are etched on the stone that marks the grave of Silas Martin, a boy who died too young at age sixteen. They aren’t only words that describe Silas’ life, but they are words he spoke. Often. Silas had ample reason to complain, but he never did. At first glance, you would never know he was plagued by brain tumors, visual impairment, seizure disorders, and other disabilities from the time he was six months old. Despite everything, Silas chose to live with courage. He loved life. He lived with hope, even though doctors didn’t give him much of it. Silas’ primary caregiver was his mother, Gloria Martin. From the depths of her soul, I Cry in the Shower tells the story of Silas’ short life, and the irreplaceable bond they shared as mother and son. A professed born-again Christian, Gloria Martin recounts the struggles of being human in this world, struggles of caring for a terminally ill child, all while dealing with recovery from other hurts, habits, and hang-ups every person faces in their lifetime. Gloria shares her story of Silas’ life exactly as she shared Silas, with open arms, with eternal gratitude for every second she was allowed to care for him on this earth. I Cry in the Shower is full of raw journal entries from Gloria, written as she experienced the tremendous journey of hope and loss through the end of Silas’ life. Now, she hopes she can be an inspiration and help to others who may be caregivers to those with a devastating illness.