Inland Fishes and Fisheries of NAMIBIA
The authors of INLAND FISHES AND FISHERIES OF NAMIBIA are scientists with many years of experience in their fields of work and research. Some were my students when I was a Lecturer of Zoology at Stellenbosch University many years ago. Some were members of my staff here in Namibia while I was Director of Fisheries and later Executive Director (Permanent Secretary) of the MFMR. There are no other scientists cum authors better equipped for the task of offering a high quality overview covering the freshwater fishes of Namibia and related issues linked to this subject. This book is a groundbreaking, first of its kind for Namibia, a scientifically orientated record of the topic of freshwater fish in our country. However, at the same time, it has been written in such a way that it also offers a leisurely journey for the layman wishing to increase general knowledge about Namibia's freshwater fishes. Dr. Jan Jurgens, Windhoek June 2023