Treatments of Psychiatric Disorders
The rapidly evolving knowledge base in psychiatry mandates timely updates to the consensus on treating various psychiatric disorders. Fulfilling that mandate is this Third Edition of the state-of- "Treatments of Psychiatric Disorders." With a deliberately pluralistic approach, its 90 chapters include new information on each disorder plus updated accounts of optimal treatments for both children and adults. Although it emphasizes the results of randomized controlled trials when available, this authoritative compendium also features data from uncontrolled studies and accumulated clinical wisdom when there is limited empirical research from which to draw. Further, this definitive text combines these data with highly sophisticated integrative models of treatment to help clinicians select among the available modalities and assemble them into rational conceptual frameworks that maximize the effectiveness of the overall treatment plan. Presenting complex material in a reader-friendly format, this collection of expert opinions-including discussions of sometimes-controversial treatments-helps clinicians meet the daily challenges of treatment planning. With chapters by recognized authorities on every major disorder based on categories from DSM-IV from those affecting infants and children (learning, developmental, anxiety, and mood disorders) to those affecting adolescents and adults (cognitive, substance-related, psychotic, mood and anxiety, dissociative, somatoform, sexual, eating, personality, sleep, and impulse-control disorders), no other reference even comes close to this volume's encyclopedic scope of treatment detail. Quite simply, this reference is the definitive psychiatric treatment text for students, residents, clinicians, and other mental health professionals.