Rising Hybrid Threats in Africa
Hybrid threats in Africa have become a security concern for the EU. CSDP missions in the continent are increasingly the target of hybrid operations. Perpetrators of hybrid activities are state (e.g., Russia, China, Turkey) and non-state actors (e.g., Salafi-jihadist groups and private military contractors), operating in a growing list of African countries. Malign actors conduct hybrid operations to undermine the EU's capacity and credibility as a security provider, to hamper mission mandates and larger strategic interests, altering the relationship between the EU and African partners. Information manipulation is the most visible rising threat, alongside cyberattacks. Enhancing capacities to pre-empt and detect hybrid threats is vital to protect EU credibility and effective presence on the ground. There is a risk that some African countries may become operational hubs for growing hybrid activities, with a deteriorating impact on transnational security.