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Land Tenure Reform in Sub-Saharan Africa
Land Tenure Reform in Sub-Saharan Africa
This book examines the impacts of land tenure reform interventions implemented in Benin, Ethiopia, Rwanda, and Zimbabwe. Since 2000, many African countries have introduced programs aimed at providing smallholder farmers with low-cost certificates for land held under customary tenure. Yet there are many contending views and debates on the impact of these land policies and this book reveals how tenure security, agricultural productivity, and social inclusion were affected by the interventions. It analyses the results of carefully selected, authoritative studies on interventions in Benin, Ethiopia, Rwanda, and Zimbabwe and applies a realist synthesis methodology to explore the socio-political and economic contexts. Drawing on these results, the book argues that inadequate attention paid to the core characteristics of rural social systems obscures the benefits of customary tenure while overlooking the scope for reforms to reduce the gaps in social status among members of customary communities. This book will be of great interest to students and scholars of land management and use, land and property law, tenure security, agrarian studies, political economy, and sustainable development. It will also appeal to development professionals and policymakers involved in land governance and land policy in Africa. The Open Access version of this book, available at, has been made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 license.
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¿Casa propia?
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The Indie Post Gina Sedman
The Indie Post Gina Sedman
The Indie Post Magazine is an exciting and inspirational entertainment magazine that features powerful interviews with well-established celebrities and independent entertainment professionals worldwide on one platform. Whether you are interested in reading about award-winning actors, film producers, musicians, recording artists, entertainment business executives, music producers, or business executives, we have it all! The indie post is unique in that it serves as a platform where both independent artists and well-established artists are equally able to have their achievements recognized. While reading The Indie Post, you'll learn about the journeys of those within the entertainment industry and the challenges they've encountered and experienced while striving to attain their goals. Sip a cup of coffee or tea and be inspired by the magazine everyone is talking about, The Indie Post!
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Memorias culturales y urgencias del presente
Memorias culturales y urgencias del presente
Este volumen colectivo propone un diálogo con colegas de distintas proveniencias disciplinarias y nacionales. El punto nodal de las preocupaciones es comprender y evidenciar cómo las memorias sociales sobre las dictaduras conosureñas son acogidas y representadas artísticamente por las generaciones de descendientes de quienes habían sido protagonistas de los intentos de cambio sociopolítico de las décadas de 1960 y 1970. Por una parte, interesó interrogar los lenguajes estéticos a través de los cuales procedían dichas representaciones, que vemos distanciados de las formas utilizadas antes y con fisonomía propia en términos de sus discursos, estilos, subjetividades y marcas identitarias. Por otra parte, intentamos discernir cómo se producen las transferencias transgeneracionales de las memorias culturales de las dictaduras y postdictaduras, para hallar allí afinidades, diferencias y tensiones. Lo que no habíamos podido anticipar fue el hecho de que en Chile las subjetividades, identidades y lenguajes que estábamos pesquisando saltarían de los libros, obras y archivos para cobrar intensa vitalidad en la calle en esos días de octubre de 2019. En el curso de ese proceso social inédito, también debimos asumir que, si queríamos seguir siendo fieles a nuestros propósitos como investigadoras, y a nuestras convicciones ciudadanas, tendríamos que acompañar el trayecto de esos sujetos en movimiento por las urbes y territorios del país. Nuestro trabajo de ahí en más –incluyendo el libro que aquí presentamos– no pudo sino estar teñido –mediado– por esas experiencias.
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Gun Dealers' Daughter: A Novel
Gun Dealers' Daughter: A Novel
A woman living in New York City recounts her youthful indiscretions as a university student in Manila whose boyfriend turned her into a communist rebel and the fatal act she committed that haunts her.
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