Symbolism in the Bible and Church
A theologian explores the rich imagery and symbolism of the Bible and the Church, offering a new path for spiritual inspiration in the modern era. Does the imagery of the Bible correspond to our present understanding of the human psyche and its environment? Do the doctrinal and ritual patterns of the Church offer effective structure and spiritual orientation for modern life? In Symbolism in the Bible and the Church, theologian Gilbert Cope evaluates these pillars of traditional Hebrew-Christian “mythology” in light of our post-Darwinian, post-Freudian, and post-Einsteinian age. In this lucid and wide-ranging study, Cope argues that the imagery and symbolism of the Bible and the Church are more vital than ever. While the scientific method has opened a door to knowledge, it has also opened a door to ignorance. The more we discover, the more we realize how little we know.