The Search for Charm, Beauty, and Truth at High Energies
The search for flavored particles is one of the most;interesting topics in high energy physics. Many experimental groups are working on this subject, but the solution to many of the problems are still open. Therefore it seemed very useful that people interested in these problems can probe then in a discussion. This is the aim of this Europhysics Study Conference, which has been organized both as a conference and a workshop. The present experimental knowledge on branching ratios, life times, cross sections and production mechanisms of flavored parti cles has been presented in general talks and discussed in the morn ing sessions, as well as the bases of the theoretical ideas and pre dictions. The experimental methods: visual detectors, live targets, high resolution vertex detectors, special triggers of search on fla vored particles, have been treated in the afternoon panels. These proceedings contain the talks and panel discussions with the exception of a few small contributions to the panels and talks by C. Baltay ("Search for charm and new flavors with bubble cham bers"), G. Alteralle ("Lifetime of charm and new flavors"), P. Monacelli ("Results on charm production from a CERN Beam Dump exper iment"), A. Capone ("Experimental study of same-sign dimunon events produced in neutrino and anti-neutrino beams").