The Rise of the Kingdom of Heaven, Volume 1 (Paperback)
Living in a Hippie Community in the Australian rainforest, I, in January 1992, started to write about my visions and spiritual experiences. I described ten places in our heads as homes of the human spirit. There are many publicly known people, who are involved in the move of the Earth to a higher dimension in 2013. More than 200,000 people live on Earth and at the same time on a parallel world, which is a home for immortal people.The evangelist John spoke with a Cross of Light. I believe that a new Cross of Light will appear on Earth soon.In July 1979 I met the devil and his wife on the inner-German border. I name some people, who have been the devil of previous Earth-like planets in older universes. Alex Collier wrote in '95 that since my 40th birthday (on 3/23/1994) vibrations leave all black holes of our (local) universe, changing its nature, lifting all planets into higher dimensions. I believe these frequencies come from the Immortals, living on Earth now, including me.