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Family Abuse and its Consequences
Family Abuse and its Consequences contains some of the most advanced research on the prevalence, risk factors, and consequences of family violence and abuse. The volume is divided into three major areas: physical child abuse; violence toward women; sexual and elder abuse. Methods of determining the extent of abuse are evaluated, and the long and short term consequences of family violence on both victims and society are assessed. The book also emphasizes the need for a theory that interprets risk factors in violent men.
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Stopping Family Violence
Stopping Family Violence
In order to improve the quality of research on family violence, the authors have conducted extensive surveys of researchers in the field. In Stopping Family Violence they outline research proposals which they consider to be urgent, with an emphasis on physical child abuse, child sexual abuse and spousal violence. Each proposal is presented with sufficient detail to provide researchers with a clear idea of the methodologies involved, cost estimates, degree of difficulty and time requirements.
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Missing, Abducted, Runaway, and Thrownaway Children in America
Missing, Abducted, Runaway, and Thrownaway Children in America
Estimates the incidence of 5 categories of children, those who were: abducted by family members; abducted by non-family members; runaways; thrownaways; and missing because they had gotten lost or injured, or for some other reason. Data was collected from 6 separate sources: household survey; juvenile facilities survey; returned runaway study; police records study; FBI data reanalysis; and community professionals study. Charts, tables and graphs.
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Family Abuse and Its Consequences
Family Abuse and Its Consequences
Family Abuse and its Consequences contains some of the most advanced research on the prevalence, risk factors, and consequences of family violence and abuse. The volume is divided into three major areas: physical child abuse; violence toward women; sexual and elder abuse. Methods of determining the extent of abuse are evaluated, and the long and short term consequences of family violence on both victims and society are assessed. The book also emphasizes the need for a theory that interprets risk factors in violent men.
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The Family in Social Context
The Family in Social Context
Fully updated, this comprehensive and engaging introduction to the sociology of the family offers cross-cultural and historical coverage of a timely topic. For this new edition the authors have added a glossary, expanded and revised many of the chapters, and included a short outline at thebeginning of each chapter to provide an overview of material covered. An entirely new section on adoption has been added, and the chapter on dual career families greatly expanded.
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Stopping Family Violence
Stopping Family Violence
In order to improve the quality of research on family violence, the authors have conducted extensive surveys of researchers in the field. In Stopping Family Violence they outline research proposals which they consider to be urgent, with an emphasis on physical child abuse, child sexual abuse and spousal violence. Each proposal is presented with sufficient detail to provide researchers with a clear idea of the methodologies involved, cost estimates, degree of difficulty and time requirements.
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A Clinician's Guide to Systemic Sex Therapy
A Clinician's Guide to Systemic Sex Therapy
This new edition of A Clinician's Guide to Systemic Sex Therapy integrates the latest empirical research from the field of sex therapy and demonstrates how clinicians can optimize their treatment for a wide range of clients. Grounded in the Intersystem Approach, the book incorporates the multifaceted perspectives of the individual client, couple, or family. It considers every domain of assessment and treatment: biology, psychology, the intimate relationship, family-of-origin, and larger contextual factors contributing to any sexual/relational issue. This revised edition contains 13 chapters consistent with the DSM-5 definitions of sexual disorders and features new content on areas including LGBTQ+ issues, non-monogamous relationships, intersex clients, and an increased focus on issues surrounding sexual diversity. The authors of this award-winning text have set out a cutting-edge framework for clinicians looking to develop a comprehensive understanding of sexual issues, which will be an essential reference point for beginning and seasoned therapists alike. The 2nd edition of A Clinician's Guide to Systemic Sex Therapy won the AASECT Book Award and Best Integrative Approach to Sex Therapy Award, 2017
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The Social Causes of Husband-wife Violence
The Social Causes of Husband-wife Violence
Why is the social group that society most often looks to for warmth, intimacy, and love also characterized by cruelty and violence? This book attempts to answer that seemingly ironic question. The authors examine aspects of family stress from both social and cultural viewpoints and conclude that violence grows out of the nature of social arrangements and cannot be explained in terms of the personalities of husbands and wives. They emphasize the fundamental contradictions built into family life as it is now constituted, and point out that counseling and family therapy alone will not decrease the level of violence in family settings. Real change will come about only with a restructuring of the relations between women and men, and that in turn is dependent upon a fundamental reallocation of power and status in society at large. In their examination of the apparently irrational or bizarre aspects of family life, the authors of this book move beyond the problem of physical violence to an understanding of the nature of the family itself.
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