Brain & Behavior
Ignite your students’ excitement about behavioral neuroscience with Brain & Behavior: An Introduction to Behavioral Neuroscience, Fifth Edition by best-selling author Bob Garrett and new co-author Gerald Hough. Garrett and Hough make the field accessible by inviting students to explore key theories and scientific discoveries using detailed illustrations and immersive examples as their guide. Spotlights on case studies, current events, and research findings help students make connections between the material and their own lives. A study guide, revised artwork, new animations, and an interactive eBook stimulate deep learning and critical thinking. A Complete Teaching & Learning Package Contact your rep to request a demo, answer your questions, and find the perfect combination of tools and resources below to fit your unique course needs. SAGE Premium Video Stories of Brain & Behavior and Figures Brought to Life videos bring concepts to life through original animations and easy-to-follow narrations. Watch a sample. Interactive eBook Your students save when you bundle the print version with the Interactive eBook (Bundle ISBN: 978-1-5443-1607-9), which includes access to SAGE Premium Video and other multimedia tools. Learn more. SAGE coursepacks SAGE coursepacks makes it easy to import our quality instructor and student resource content into your school’s learning management system (LMS). Intuitive and simple to use, SAGE coursepacks allows you to customize course content to meet your students’ needs. Learn more. SAGE edge This companion website offers both instructors and students a robust online environment with an impressive array of teaching and learning resources. Learn more. Study Guide The completely revised Study Guide offers students even more opportunities to practice and master the material. Bundle it with the core text for only $5 more! Learn more.