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Child of Mine
Child of Mine
A desperate woman engineers a meeting with a man she believes is raising her kidnapped daughter before unexpectedly falling in love with him. Co-written by the best-selling author of The Last Bride. (religion fiction). Simultaneous.
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Dawning of the Day
Dawning of the Day
As a people awaiting the return of our Savior, we are forever looking for signs of the closing events, rightly so, because the Scriptures say that we will be able to "see the day approaching." Our anticipation has-for the most part-been in vain. Time and again we have had our hopes dashed to pieces. A time will come when our excitement will be justified. Dawning of the Day is a revelation of major current events that, when viewed in their entirety, paint a picture of what could be Satan's last effort to deceive the people of God, and bring in the long expected global Sabbath laws. An "overwhelming surprise," a "snare," these are the words inspired by God to describe how the final crisis will be seen by "all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth." Luke 21:35. The surprise begins now, as you see for the first time how Satan has been working undercover to arrange things to accomplish his work. The ground work is in place, the support is there, very little remains before the trap is sprung on an unprepared church, and unsuspecting world.
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America, Before the Storm
America, Before the Storm
AMERICA, BEFORE THE STORM Portrait of a Nation By Gerald Lewis Geiger (Copyright 2005) This is a collection of poems in rhythmic and rhymed verse, about America, her place in Atlantica and the World, and a Time in Our Age that brought out the best in us. We all are gathered and accounted for in this company the mighty and the not-so, the many and the few; all those who serve and those who only stand and wait. All of us are rich and fortified because of it, foras the Ancients had itpoetry is music of the spirit without the notes! Poetry is lovepure and straight and steadyfor it nourishes that by which we live with food not otherwise obtainable. Poetry will lilt the soul through days and years of choring, searching, grasping, through fortune and calamity and leave us better, nobler beings. AMERICA, BEFORE THE STORM Portrait of a Nation starts with the 9/11 bang that jolted us and US awake. Against the background of our national hurt and anger, the work marshals our spirit and braces our resolve. It reaches back to trials past and glories gained. It proclaims our case and spotlights our feats that make so many throughout the world seek our land and ways. AMERICA, BEFORE THE STORM - Portrait of a Nation, by Gerald Lewis Geiger, tellsin lyrical languageof an Honor Roll, writ in sweat and blood, spelled out by the genius and guts of a people, young yet wise enough to build and plant and nurture generations. It sends a hearty Hello! to all the generations, including the X-ers, who built this magnificent House and Home America! We all are there, and what we did and do and plan; deeds are recorded, fairly marked; due credit is awarded. Somewho should know better-rattle on and on about this-that-the-other-thing they disapprove of in America. But then they copiously copy us! Such flattry in their imitation of our course! In the epic poem The First Day of Forever, the author honors America. He shows us whats at stake and calmly tells us that its we! The author brings our priceless Classic genre into Modern Times with A Prince for All Time the humanly elegant tale of a search for a new home to strike roots, certainly a timely topic in our Age of Mass Worldwide Migrations, what with people crossing land and sea frontiers, settling far from place of birth, to build a career and raise a family. He pays tribute to the martyred artists of the Prague Spring and Maos Hundred Flowersboth of which shook a caring humankind with A Thousand Flowers Died. And he asks the abyssal question of All Ages: Who art Thou, Man? Whence came you, Man? And whither goest Thou? His answer is so obvious and, yet, so profound. The book puts Americas wars in perspective in Roll Call of Liberty to highlight our gains and sacrifices as we sail in Harms Way again. Full faith and credit is given to Atlantica, the fertile furrow for seeds of human genius, and to The Atlantic Family, the composite catalyst of human progress, the historical marriage of the best from West and East and North and South. POWER POETRY FOR THE PEOPLE A poem a day keeps the blues away! This is THEME Poetry and the Theme is AMERICA, the Core of the American Idea the Promise of the American Ideal This is To the People Poetry It SOUNDS OFF in the clearwithout a dozen footnotes on each page. It LILTS the routine pace of life along. It LIFTS the burdened spirit. It LOFTS our thoughts and dreams. It BOOSTS the Will to Win. It SPARKS the Imagination. It SUMMONS the Ingenuity. It BRACES the Sinew. A constant call to the Heart and Reason of Americans as America once again sails in Harms Way. These poems show us whats at stake and tell u
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American Soldier Poems
American Soldier Poems
From Horse Cavalry to Special Forces on bloody ground in bitter skies on raging seas, the American Soldier has battled and bled, served and suffered, testified and triumphed. These poems are dedicated to all who ever felt the sting of combat, heard the zing of bullets, clung to faith and comradeship. They cover Americas wars from the Gulf back to the Trenches from parade ground to wheel chair and taps. Regular, Reservist, National Guardsman the American Soldier planted Americas Flag and Americas Ideals wherever tasked to defend Freedom! By a two-war, valor-decorated combat veteran, father, grandfather.
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Resilience in Law Enforcement
Resilience in Law Enforcement
While focused primarily on law enforcement, this is a "nuts and bolts" guide for any emergency service organization to maintain the resiliency of its professionals as well as the total organization. It is the 4th book of Dr. Gerald Lewis, who is an expert in the area of crisis management.
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South Shore Days 1940's & '50's
South Shore Days 1940's & '50's
This is a personal memoir of good times in Chicago back in the days when candy bars and White Castles cost a mere 5 cents. Chicago is a "city of neighborhoods," whether you are talking about Chinatown, Canaryville, Bridgeport, Beverly, South Chicago, Bronzeville, Hyde Park, Woodlawn or Englewood. This story takes place in the old South Shore neighborhood nestled on Lake Michigan between Jackson Park to the north and the booming steel mills to the south. My cousin, Dr. Bruce Hannon of the University of Illinois, used to say, "Good people make a good place good" and South Shore was one of those places...
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The Personal God
In 1994, five North American professors of theology published The Openness of God, a book that challenged traditional Christian understandings of God, and particularly the concept of his immutability. In The Personal God, Gerald Bray responds to this book and the controversy that it aroused, not by a point-by point refutation, but by a critical examination of the traditional view. He begins by exploring the reasons for the dissatisfaction of the theologians with the traditional doctrine. He then outlines what he regards as the essential framework for any doctrine of God, while addressing the serious concerns which motivated the authors of The Openness of God.
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Augustine on the Christian Life
Augustine on the Christian Life
Augustine is widely considered to be one of the most influential theologians of all time and stands as a giant among giants in the history of the Christian faith. However, while many Christians are familiar with the broad strokes of his theology, few readers today have explored the riches of his spiritual life. In this addition to Crossway's growing Theologians on the Christian Life series, renowned scholar Gerald Bray seeks to show us that Augustine is just as relevant today as it was in AD 430. Focusing on the North African pastor's personal transformation and dependence on the the Word of God, Bray gives us a picture of this ancient hero of the faith that can sharpen and encourage modern believers. Part of the Theologians on the Christian Life series.
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