Historical and Philosophical Foundations of Education
Structured around major movements in world history, the lives of leading educators, and the philosophies and ideologies that resulted from their ideas, Historical and Philosophical Foundations of Education: A Biographical Introduction, Fifth Edition provides a clear interdisciplinary exploration of the development of educational ideas. The author takes a global perspective on the history and philosophy of education, capturing the essence of educational evolution through the biographies of 23 theorists, philosophers, and educators. This biographical focus, combined with an introductory presentation of the inherent connections between education's major movements and its primary movers, helps students better understand the social and historical conditions that have informed today's educational arena. New to This Edition · NEW! Chapter 21 on William C. Bagley and Essentialism provides a balanced discussion that is the hallmark of this text. · NEW! Timelines highlighting key events in each educational philosopher's life at the beginning of every chapter provide a capsule introductory view of the philosopher's career. · NEW! URLs integrated within the Projects section of each chapter connect students with appropriate and useful sites and information. WHAT REVIEWERS ARE SAYING: "Historical and Philosophical Foundations of Education is an excellent book. Dr. Gutek has done a phenomenal job in pulling together so many diverse resources and references to write in-depth and detailed biographies of the individuals discussed in his book." --Kelly Kolodny, Framingham State College "I like the four organizing principles: contexts, biographies, educational ideas, [and] assessment of significance." --Craig Schieber, City University of Seattle "[The] quality of the applications [are] are real strength in each and every chapter." --V. Robert Agostino, Duquesne University "Historical and Philosophical Foundations of Education by Gerald L. Gutek is one of the most lucid and straightforward accounts of philosophers, theorists, and educators....The organizational pattern of [the book], with clear and concise sub-topics, ensures that students will easily be able to grasp the important understandings demanded of courses that deal with historical and philosophical thought." --Karen L. Riley, Auburn University Montgomery