Even Better Parents
Materials are well prepared and the pre-planning directions would help any professional wanting to put on a course. These is plenty to select from and the video is a useful triggers for discussion' - "Young Minds Magazine "'The course offers real value in starting a dialogue about effective parenting. it is a useful, well planned pack, with some good, easily understandable ideas that parents would find helpful'" - Eve Boyd Research Associate at Cambridge University School of Education, Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties Journal "'The wide theoretical base, including relationship-building, problem-solving, listening and mutual respect is likely to give the course wider appeal than one based on a single theoretical approach' "- Alan Hurfurd, Derbyshire, Educational Psychology in Practice "'We have now used Even Better Parents with three different groups of parents and carers, and, even though it is designed for use with older children, it has proved an excellent source of stimulation for discussion. Parents like the format and the workbook that accompanies the pack, while those of us who have led the groups, have found the pack easy to use, and readily adaptable to the groups' particular interests and needs' "- Chris Arthurs, Chair, Walk-In Center (Kettering) Association "A training pack to present to parents and carers of primary age children the following five sessions of skills-based teaching: " "" meet the family at home: meal times, tidying toys away " supermarket stress: pushing the trolley, sweets " after school: what did you do today reading at home " children squabbling: fighting about toys " worries at bedtime: I dont want togo to school. " "In each session, the facilitator will: " "" introduce the session with an activity " show a video clip watch the family get it wrong " show a video clip watch the family do it better " set a take home activity. " "Contents: video, trainer's manual sample of the participant workbook. "