An Undercurrent of Suspicion
The one period that most students of anti-Communism have ignored is the years of the Second World War, when the United States and the Soviet Union briefly stood together as allies against Nazi Germany. During this period, criticizing the Soviet Union and the Communist party abruptly went out of fashion. But even then, there were Americans who chose to be unfashionable. These leaders and opinion-makers are the subject of Sirgiovanni's An Undercurrent of Suspicion. This book demonstrates that the "undercurrent of suspicion" against the Soviet Union, and communism in general, was considerably stronger under World War II than many Americans realize or recall. Many long-time anti-communists refuse to go along with the quasi-official moratorium on criticizing America's Soviet ally, and although the war granted the Communist Party of the United States an unaccustomed degree of legitimacy, this was by no means universally conceded, either. The resilience of such attitudes n what surely were the most auspicious years of the U.S.-Soviet relations contributes to our understanding of why a far more virulent and widespread Cold War mentality of mistrust and hostility burst forth so soon after the Allied victory. Many issues that contributed to the Cold War had been raised during the alliance, such as the political and territorial makeup of Eastern Europe. Those who assumed that the U.S.S.R. could never be trusted to act in a spirit of justice and compassion included conservative politicians, anti-communist labor leaders, right-wing newsmen, Catholics and Protestant fundamentalists, and American Socialists-all of whom Sirigiovani discusses at length. These individuals also insisted that the domestic Communist movement, despite its "patriotic" wartime line, remained in the service of today's ally but tomorrow's probably adversary, Joseph Stalin's U.S.S.R. An Undercurrent of Suspicion will of considerable interest to anyone interested in communism ad anti-communism, American politics, and the history of ideas, especially as they relate to political issues. The general reader will the book provides a new dimension to the war years, and in so doing helps explain the deep background of the Cold War.