In recent years scriptural prophecies about the end times have become the subject of an increasing number of books. Many of these, however, are popularized accounts containing little thoughtful biblical scholarship. Yet the serious studies available are often too difficult for the average reader to understand. George Eldon Ladd has endeavored to rectify this situation with a serious discussion of eschatology written for the layperson. Two radically different interpretations of the relationship between the prophecies of the Old and New Testaments have been offered. One view sees separate programs for Israel and the Christian church, while the other recognizes progressive revelation and a unity of the Testaments. Professor Ladd holds the latter position, basing his doctrine of the last things on the conviction that our final word . . . is to be found in New Testament reinterpretation of Old Testament prophecy. Only as the prophecies are seen in the light of God's revelation through Christ can we clearly comprehend what they mean in relation to the end times.
New in the Eerdmans Classic Biblical Commentaries collection In this now-classic exposition of Revelation, first published in 1972, George Eldon Ladd offers a clear, engaging, and insightful reading of the Apocalypse that is ideal for the pulpit, classroom, or personal study. In a brief introduction Ladd discusses the subject of authorship, the date and historical setting of Revelation, and the various methods of interpretation (preterist, historical, idealist, and futurist) that have been applied to the book throughout history. He then offers an analytical outline of Revelation’s structure and his verse-by-verse commentary, which reflects a historic premillennial perspective. The entire work is marked by Ladd’s sensitivity to the needs of both scholars and general readers and by his concern for proclaiming the message of Revelation for our time.
Ladd's magisterial work on New Testament theology has well served scores of seminary students since 1974. Now this comprehensive, standard evangelical text has been carefully revised by Hagner to include an update of Ladd's survey of the history of the field of New Testament theology, an augmented bibliography, and an entirely new subject index.
After surveying the debate of eschatology, Ladd discusses the promise of the kingdom, the fulfillment of the promise, and the consummation of the promise. Throughout the book he develops his thesis that the kingdom of God involves two great movements--fulfillment within history and consummation at the end of history.
Robert G. Clouse brings together four scholars to debate various views on the millennium: George Eldon Ladd, Herman A. Hoyt, Loraine Boettner and Anthony A. Hoekema.
Jesus Christ is coming again! That is the Blessed Hope which has since the earliest days of the Church energized Biblical Christians looking for the full revelation of God's redemption. The author sketches the history of interpretations of Christ's second coming and then carefully and lucidly examines the Biblical passages on which this doctrine is based. His conclusion is that the Blessed Hope is the second coming of Jesus Christ, not a pretribulation rapture that believers in a secret coming of Jesus. Yet he concludes that there should be liberty and charity within the Christian community for all who hold to the expectation of "the blessed hope and appearing in glory of our great God and Saviour Jesus Christ."
One unfortunate consequence of the bitter fundamentalist-modernist controversy which raged in the early twenties has been the strongly negative attitude toward Biblical criticism assumed by some of the successors to the fundamentalists of the 1920s. Such people, according to the author, insist that the critical method is basically hostile to the evangelical faith, and they have continued to oppose any use of it. Others, however, claiming the same heritage, believe that the orthodox interpretation of the Gospel can be defended positively and constructively only with the aid of a sound critical method and the results of critical scholarship. The author believes that an evangelical Biblical criticism is not only possible but necessary. The central thesis of his book is that "the Bible is the Word of God given in the words of men in history", and as such its historical origins must be reconstructed as far as possible. In this way a richer understanding of the Scriptures can be achieved.