Statistics for Social and Health Research
'The data provided on the CD and the easy style of the book will allow many novices using this source to feel they are having fun. If ever there was one, this is a recommendation!' - Dr Olga BA van den Akker, Nurse Researcher`This is a text that can be strongly recommended....I would imagine this book would be useful as a set text for undergraduate modules in social statistics, or as a resource on postgraduate degrees in social science that take a quantitative focus' - Medical Sociology News`This book is a detailed and very practical manual introducing statistical methods for research.... In its treatment of statistics the book is accurate and has obviously been edited with great care.... For the reviewer, the main attraction of the book was the detailed explanation of principles that underlie test formulae. As a result, the mystery of statistical output is removed and the simple practicalities are laid bare. This approach, so necessary for deep learning, makes the work far more than a statistical recipe book with a DIY computing section. The author has gone to considerable lengths to assist students by including example questions with model answers, a glossary of terms, a list of key equations and a selection of statistical tables. A CD-ROM containing data files for student exercises is provided with the book and a public access Internet address is given for readers to obtain updated files.... For undergraduate and graduate students seeking to acquire an understanding of statistical methods for research, and the associated SPSS procedures, this book provides an excellent introduction' - Journal of Advanced Nursing`This is one of the best current books on statistics and certainly the best on the use of SPSS. For anyone who needs to conduct data analyses this book is a welcome relief' - Statistical Methods in Medical ResearchThis book explains statistical concepts in a highly readable and accessible way - assuming no formal knowledge of statistics. It uses practical examples from a variety of disciplines, and concentrates on the clear explanation of a wide range of statistical techniques. The book is also a comprehensive introduction and guide to SPSS (up to Version 10), and comes with a useful CD-ROM with sample data sets.Organized so that it offers a clear guide to choosing the appropriate procedure the first edition of this book proved to be very popular across a range of disciplines because of its easy-to-follow style, and simple guide to SPSS. This thoroughly revised and updated international edition builds on those strengths. The book uses a step-by-step method with screen images of SPSS commands and output to provide the reader with a comprehensive manual for using SPSS to analyze data.Exercises at the end of each chapter are designed to reinforce understanding of the procedures and to gain confidence in using SPSS. Model answers are provided at the back of the book along with key equations and an extensive glossary of terms.An ideal textbook for any introductory course in statistics in social and health sciences, and a wide range of other applied disciplines.