How to Teach Moral Competence
What is moral competence? Can it be measured? Can it be taught effectively? If so, how? This book explores these questions from three perspectives: experimental psychology, curriculum development, and instructor training. Part one discusses the research from which, like a jig-saw puzzle, a comprehensive picture of the nature, development, and teachability of morality emerges. The picture focuses on moral competence, the ability to solve problems and conflicts on the basis of moral principles through deliberation and discussion rather than violence and deceit. Part two explains how moral competence can be taught effectively with the Konstanz Method of Dilemma Discussion (also known as Discussion Theater), which has been used with great success to foster moral development in schools and universities, military installations, prisons, and retirement communities in many countries. The book describes the Method, gives vivid illustrations of its use, and provides psychologists, teachers, and professional trainers with resources and guidance in its application. ``The definitive, research-based book on morality teaching with highly useful applications to educational practice. Highly recommended.'' Dr. Herbert Walberg, Emeritus Professor of Education and Psychology, University of Illinois at Chicago. ``We all want to be `good' Lind contends - it's part of our human inheritance. But being morally competent, he shows, is enhanced and nourished when educators develop propulsive learning opportunities for students to practice and develop.'' Dr. William Ayers, Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Education, University of Illinois at Chicago. ``Lind's mastery of the history and philosophy of morality and moral education is quite apparent. He writes of the complex issues bound up in morality in a beautifully clear and persuasive manner.'' Dr. Richard M. Felder, Hoechst Celanese Professor Emeritus, North Carolina State University. ``Dr. Lind's experimental and educational approach to morality is unique worldwide.'' Dr. Ewa Nowak, Professor of Philosophy and Ethics, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland. ``I really didn't think that one can discuss highly controversial issues in such a peaceful way. I learned a lot.'' A forty year old participant of a KMDD/DT session.