Georg Baselitz
I don't want to create a monster, I want to make something which is new, exceptional, something that only I do...something that references tradition, but is still new.--Georg Baselitz. Gagosian Gallery is pleased to present an exhibition of new paintings and sculpture by Georg Baselitz. Baselitz's challenging career is a constant process of counterpoint, marked by intense periods of creative activity culminating in a masterpiece or group of master works, followed by a startling renewal and rethinking of the subject. A traditional artisan, he produces paintings, drawings, prints, and wood sculptures, often on a monumental scale. Baselitz has consistently explored what it is to be German and a German artist, although his oeuvre owes as much to a broader range of influences, including Art brut and the drawings and writings of Antonin Artaud, sixteenth century German woodcuts, and African sculptures."