Political Economy and the Changing Global Order
Designed to introduce students to a broad range of perspectives on the rapidly changing field of international political economy, this text features 34 specially commissioned chapters written by prominent IPE scholars from around the world. This third edition of Political Economy and the Changing Global Order offers a critical assessment of the contemporary discipline and includes a number of new articles on emerging areas of IPE, such as gender, security, environmentalism, crime, and the role of the Internet. As well, all articles from the previous edition have been updated and revised to reflect the growing tensions among globalization, regionalism, and national interests. Every chapter includes a list of suggested readings and, where appropriate, key websites, and each of the book's four sections opens with an informative introduction. Comprehensive, up to date, and thoroughly global in its focus, Political Economy and the Changing Global Order is an essential text for students of international and comparative economy. Book jacket.