Pause, Hear His Whisper
Our society is fast-paced, hectic, and distracting. Although the Lord tells us to “be still, and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10), stillness, solitude, and quietness are unnerving for many. In fact, a mere two minutes of silence brings on a measure of anxiety for some. We have grown accustomed to, even dependent on, having noise and busyness surrounding us: television, video games, stereos, headsets, ball games, concerts, exercise machines, and even fans for white noise. From having the radio on in the morning while waking up to having a television on at night while getting ready for bed, there is constant noise and distractions to hinder us from healthy times of silence, solitude, prayer, and biblical meditation. God does not yell above life’s clamor. May we learn to pause, and hear His whisper.