Wheels and Waves
Ships challenge the physically handicapped; high sills & narrow doors often block them. This well-researched book describes over one hundred of the best cruise ships, long distance ferries (including overnight ones), river cruises, & hotel canal barges with handicapped facilities & the limiting physical barrier dimensions of other typical ships. They range from small expeditionary or luxury, to large & "popular," designs from classic to the latest glittering palaces; some cruise all the world's 7 seas & all its continents. Australia has one accessible river boat, the former East Germany another, with few scattered between. Canal barges in France, too. Much better are the world's large, long distance ferries, many with good handicapped & overnight facilities. Dozens of ferries with handicapped facilities serve the Pacific Northwest, Alaska, all of Canada's Maritime Provinces & Europe, too. From a BERLITZ travel publisher of an early draft,..."eminently practical, well-written & logically organized..." This handy guide is useful to both neophyte & experienced voyager alike, handicapped or not. Experienced sailors, both authors know ships & handicapped travel well, one as a polio paraplegic since 12, the other with a graduate Naval Engineer degree from MIT following commissioning from Annapolis & several years sea duty. To order: Wheels Aweigh Publishing Co., 17105 San Carlos Blvd., (A-6107), Ft. Myers Beach, FL 33931 or Quality, Unique Books, Bookmaster, Pacific Pipeline, Kent WA. & Baker & Taylor.