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Subject Guide to U.S. Government Reference Sources
Subject Guide to U.S. Government Reference Sources
Revised and updated, this compendium helps readers identify and understand the scope of key government reference sources-traditional books (including publications catalogs and telephone directories); information clearinghouses; and materials in new formats, such as CD-ROMs, datafiles, and Internet sites. The authors focus on free information and depository materials-both readily available through toll-free phone numbers, mail or e-mail requests to agencies, or federal depository library collections. Materials are fully described in annotations that differentiate between similar materials, identify typical citation formats, and note common abbreviations
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Evidence-Based School Mental Health Services
Evidence-Based School Mental Health Services
The challenges of providing mental health services to school children are numerous and diverse, ranging from staffing shortages to insufficient funding to family resistance to administrative indifference. Yet with the U.S. Surgeon General estimating that approximately 20% of young people display signs of psychological problems, the need for such services – particularly for interventions that not only address mental health issues but also reinforce protective factors – is considerable. Evidence-Based School Mental Health Services offers readers an innovative, best-practices approach to providing effective mental health services at school. The author draws on the widely used and effective three-tiered public health model to create a school-based system that addresses the emotional and behavioral needs of students most at risk for experiencing, or showing strong signs and symptoms of, emotional problems or disabilities. This prevention-oriented program adapts cognitive behavioral and other clinical therapies for use in primary through high school settings. In several concise, easy-to-read chapters, the author addresses such important topics as: The rationale for building a three-tier mental health system in schools. The importance of making emotion regulation training available to all students. Designing strategies for adding affect education and emotion regulation training at each tier. Providing empirical support for implementing CBT in school settings. Preparing young children to benefit from school-based CBT. Also included is an Appendix of specific group activities and exercises that can be put to use in the school setting. Evidence-Based School Mental Health Services is a must-have resource for researchers, scientist-practitioners, and graduate students in school psychology, clinical child psychology, pediatrics, psychiatry, social work, school counseling, education as well as for those who develop or influence public policy. And it is essential reading for any professional who is responsible for and interested in children’s well-being and development.
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In the modern world, why do we still resort to speculation? Advances in scientific and statistical reasoning are supposed to have provided greater certainty in making claims about the future. Yet we constantly spin out scenarios about tomorrow, for ourselves or for entire societies, with flimsy or no evidence. Insubstantial speculations—from utopian thinking to high-risk stock gambles—often provoke fierce backlash, even when they prove prophetic for the world we come to inhabit. Why does this hypothetical way of thinking generate such controversy? In this cultural, literary, and intellectual history, Gayle Rogers traces debates over speculation from antiquity to the present. Celebrated by Boethius as the height of humanity’s mental powers but denigrated as sinful by John Calvin, speculation eventually became central to the scientific revolution’s new methods of seeing the natural world. In the nineteenth century, writers such as Jane Austen used the concept to diagnose the marriage market, redefining speculation for the purpose of social critique. Speculation fueled the development of modern capitalism, spurring booms, busts, and bubbles, and recently artificial intelligence has automated the speculation previously done by humans, with uncertain and troubling consequences. Unraveling these histories and many other disputes, Rogers argues that what has always been at stake in arguments over speculation, and why it so often appears so threatening, is the authority to produce and control knowledge about the future. Recasting centuries of contests over the power to anticipate tomorrow, this book reveals the crucial role speculation has played in how we create—and potentially destroy—the future.
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Disability in Higher Education: Investigating Identity, Stigma and Disclosure amongst Academics
Disability in Higher Education: Investigating Identity, Stigma and Disclosure amongst Academics
Higher Education presents significant challenges for disabled faculty. This book highlights the structural barriers that create challenges for faculty and demonstrates ways in which we can improve on current practice. Staff face a competitive environment which is increasingly characterised by long working hours and the use of standardised metrics to monitor and evaluate performance. The author underlines this issue as well as covering a range of subjects including the stigma associated with disability, workplace discrimination, the decision to disclose a disability, and access to workplace accommodations. The book: •Amplifies the voices and experiences of disabled faculty •Examines the representation of disability and how this affects both disabled and non-disabled audiences •Provides a range of personal accounts of visible and invisible disabilities by those working in Higher Education •Argues for changes to current practice through advice, support and guidance for those impacted by disability •Features a chapter which addresses the structural and operational issues that systematically disadvantage disabled academics The book aims to inform and advise those interested in disability within Higher Education. It is of relevance, not only to those who identify as disabled, but also to senior management, policy makers and students of disability studies or education. “Gayle Brewer's Disability in Higher Education is a clear, concise, accessible yet detailed exploration of the realities of disability in the Academy.” Nancy Hansen, Professor, Director Disability Studies, University of Manitoba, Canada “I am proud to endorse Dr Brewer’s much-anticipated work on Disability in Higher Education. This book exposes the barriers, stigma and discrimination that disabled academics face daily, overtly and covertly, in a profession we are passionate about”. Dr Hamied Haroon, Chair, National Association of Disabled Staff Networks (NADSN) Gayle Brewer is a Senior Lecturer in Psychology at the University of Liverpool, UK. Her research interests focus on personality and romantic relationships, and she also conducts research addressing education and the student experience.
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Lawrence, Roberts, Heeter, Beggs, Hardy
Lawrence, Roberts, Heeter, Beggs, Hardy
Genealogical information on maternal ancestors of the author many of whom resided in Virginia and West Virginia.
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Media Psychology
Media Psychology
This edited textbook brings together broad and cutting-edge coverage of the core areas in media psychology for undergraduate, introductory-level students. Covering persuasion and influence, interaction with the media, and representation, the authors draw on specific campaigns and studies to introduce readers to key issues in this fascinating field.
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Knowledge Communities in Teacher Education
Knowledge Communities in Teacher Education
This book traces the origins and activities of the longest-standing collaborative teacher group in education, the Portfolio Group. Each chapter documents, historically and conceptually, the main intellectual moments in the evolution of the idea of knowledge communities. Authors illuminate the expansive work, research, and the leading/learning influence that the Portfolio Group has had in the local education community as well as on the international education landscape. In doing so, they illustrate the journey of a school-based, cross-institutional knowledge community and provide the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel for so many novice and newly formed groups seeking sustainability. The book demonstrates through the shared experiences of five teachers/teacher educators the ways in which varied collaborations aimed at professional development lead to teacher growth in practice, leadership, and career.
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American Women Civil Rights Activists
American Women Civil Rights Activists
Ranging from such pioneers as Elizabeth Blackwell, Mary L. Bonney, Kate Barnard, Mariana Bracetti, and Amelia Stone Quinton, to contemporary figures such as Iola M. Pohocsucut Hayden, Rosa Parks, Angela Davis, and Shirley Chisholm, these 68 women have worked passionately for civil rights in the United States. The issues that they have championed have been as varied as the women themselves: African Americans, Latino Americans, Native Americans, children, lesbians and gays, adoptees, older adults, differently-abled persons, prisoners, education, political reform, health issues and many others. Many have been active in women's rights and suffrage issues. A short biographical sketch of each woman is provided, listing place of birth, schools, important events and achievements, children, parents, siblings and individuals who had a significant influence on her work. The second part of each entry is an extensive bibliography of works by and about the activist. Included are print and nonprint sources, as well as dissertations, theses, manuscript materials and personal papers. The work is thoroughly indexed.
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‘The Cruel Madness of Love’
‘The Cruel Madness of Love’
Against a backdrop of contemporary social and sexual concerns, and potent fears surrounding the moral and physical ‘degeneration’ of late nineteenth and early twentieth-century society, ‘The Cruel Madness of Love’ explores a critical period in the developing relationship between syphilis and insanity. General paralysis of the insane (GPI), the most commonly diagnosed of the neurosyphilitic disorders, has been devastating both in terms of its severity and incidence. Using the rich laboratory and asylum records of lowland Scotland as a case study, Gayle Davis examines the evolution of GPI as a disease category from a variety of perspectives: social, medical, and pathological. Through exploring case notes and the impact of new diagnostic techniques and therapies, such as the Wassermann Test and Malarial Therapy, the reader gains a unique insight into both patients and practitioners. Significant insights are gained into the socio–sexual background and medical experience of patients, as well as the clinical ideas and judgmental behaviour of the practitioners confronting this disease. ‘The Cruel Madness of Love’ will be of interest to anyone wishing to explore the historical relationship between sexuality, morality and disease.
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