Key To Happiness: Unlock Yourself | True Victory Lies in Preserving Your Sweetness Amid All The Bitterness of Life
"Time taught me how to live with grace, While I kept honing my skills in every space." Life does not teach us anything easily, whatever we learn over time gets recorded in our DNA. Looking at yourself, recognising your strengths and weaknesses, continuously trying to improve yourself; this is a continuous process. Everyone's journey through life is unique; each person's struggles, pain, circumstances and resilience are different. However, courage remains a universal remedy. This book reflects real-life experiences, which may also prove valuable to you. It's not always necessary to stumble yourself to learn something new; we can often learn to protect ourselves by observing the wounds of others. Throughout the day, countless negative, unpleasant and disturbing thoughts may arise in our minds. They should come and go as they please; dwelling on them only depletes us. It is only positive thoughts that replenish our energy.