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The Mystery Surrounding Watson's Lost Dispatch Box
The Mystery Surrounding Watson's Lost Dispatch Box
When young Joseph Adler enters a small Dorchester bookstore to sell a rare old copy of The Strand Magazine - within its pages is discovered what appears to be a sheet torn from the diary of Sherlock Holmes' friend, Doctor Watson. The implications are incredible. When Adler is found dead, it is up to bookstore owner Thomas Jones, joined by his young friend, Juan Marcano, to search for clues and solve the murder in the style of their hero, Sherlock Holmes. But the older man, nicknamed Viejo, by the cocky younger Juan, have taken on more than they can handle, as they deal with tough cops and tougher drug dealers to solve the case. The discovery of an old tin dispatch box that apparently belonged to Watson leads to a wild case full of mystery, murder and revenge. It is a rousing tale in the best tradition of the Great Detective with a new team of amateur sleuths, in a novel that captures the spirit of Doyle's classic Holmes stories in a modern setting.
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The Nemesis Chronicles
The Nemesis Chronicles
Harry Turner won't sit on the sidelines any longer. He's through watching his neighborhoods and fellow New Yorkers suffer. Drug dealers, pimps, and mobsters practically have free reign. When he dons the nightblack disguise of The Nemesis, criminals won't stand a chance against his brand of Justice ... but he's never encountered a threat like the Satan Plague ....THE NEMESIS(tm) thrilled readers with his pulp-inspired exploits. His thrill-packed tales are collected in this volume, along with The Nemesis Returns, a NEW adventure continuing Harry Turner's war on evil.Stories include: "The Kingdom of Crime," "The Season of Darkness," "Destiny With a Gun," "Time Out For Death," "The Falcon Strikes!," "Claws of the Falcon," "The Satan Plague," and "The Nemesis Returns."
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Blood in Brooklyn
Blood in Brooklyn
Vic Powers lives life on a hellbound train, and he knows to expect the worst, even when things are going well. He's right. Vic's past comes back to haunt him in the form of Cliff, a deeply psychotic killer with a bone to pick with Vic that extends to
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Bad Girls Need Love Too
Bad Girls Need Love Too
A Lust for Life Anxious to undress, these dangerous dolls ply their womanly wares to get whatever they want: men, power and sex - lots of sex. Yet to quench their fiery desires they crave more, much more. See, even sultry sinners long for love. Bad Girls Need Love Too is a frolicking celebration of pulp fiction floozies doomed to keep looking for love in all the wrong places. Thankfully, repeating the same mistake over and over again has never been more fun, or outrageous. For more about these hard-boiled vixens, visit
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Sherlock Holmes Mystery Magazine #30
Sherlock Holmes Mystery Magazine #30
Sherlock Holmes Mystery Magazine #30 is back with a special fiction issue featuring 6 Sherlock Holmes stories and a Mr. Moto story! FEATURES: FROM WATSON’S NOTEBOOKS, by John H Watson ASK MRS HUDSON, by (Mrs) Martha Hudson SCREEN OF THE CRIME, by Kim Newman I’LL TAKE A PASS ON THE CURRIED MUTTON, THANK YOU, by O’Neill Curatolo BARTITSU, THE REVIVED MIXED-MARTIAL ART OF SHERLOCK HOLMES, by Elizabeth Crowens FICTION: THE PARIS BARGAINS, by Hal Charles THE ADVENTURE OF THE BOOBY-TRAPPED BOOTS, by Jeffrey A. Lockwood THE SIGN OF THE THREE, by MYCROFT HOLMES AND THE BLACK HEART OF LONDON, by J.G. Grimmer THE LAST COLONEL MORAN STORY, by Rafe McGregor THE PROBLEM AT THE MUSÉE DU LOUVRE, by Gary Lovisi ONE MEDIUM, WELL DONE, by Frank Emerson MR. MOTO AT MANZANAR, by George Zebrowski
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Sherlock Holmes al Saint Andrew Club
Sherlock Holmes al Saint Andrew Club
RACCONTO (16 pagine) - GIALLO - Un'indagine al celebre Royal Golf Club di Saint Andrews Da un po' di tempo il dottor Watson si dedica con passione al golf, ma Sherlock Holmes non condivide il suo l'entusiasmo. Un'indagine al celebre Saint Andrews Club, in Scozia, sarà l'occasione per mettere a confronto due diversi punti di vista. Gary Lovisi è stato nominato agli Edgar Mystery Writers of America nella categoria Miglior Racconto per il suo apocrifo sherlockiano "The Adventure of The Missing Detective". È un cultore del Canone, collezionista e autore di vari articoli e racconti che hanno come tema le avventure del leggendario detective. È il direttore editoriale e curatore della rivista "Paperback Parade" e della recente antologia "The Great Detective: His Further Adventures" (Wildside Press). La sua prossima pubblicazione, "The Secret Adventures of Sherlock Holmes: Book 3" (Ramble House), contiene quattro recenti "pastiche", raccolti per la prima volta in un libro.
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Sherlock Holmes
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Sherlock Holmes Mystery Magazine #28
Sherlock Holmes Mystery Magazine #28
Sherlock Holmes Mystery Magazine returns after a brief hiatus with a selection of fiction and nonfiction for the discerning mystery reader. This issue's stories include: LH’s LEGACY, by Rochelle Campbell ROOKER, by Laird Long PENNWOOD AVENUE, by Sanford Zane Meschkow ABOVE SUSPICION, by Victoria Weisfeld IDYLLWILD, by Michael Hemmingson MOTIVE, by Marc Bilgrey THE CURIOUS CASE OF ARTHUR CONAN DOYLE, by Gary Lovisi THE DAYTIME SERIAL KILLER, by Dan Andriacco THE MYSTERY OF THE PAUL HENRY, by Michael Penncavage THE PROBLEM OF THE VANISHING BULLET, by Lee Enderlin THE ADVENTURE OF THE BERYL CORONET, by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Nonfiction includes: THREE BUCKET MYSTERIES, by Eugene D. Goodwin THREE CHEERS FOR DR WATSON, by Janice Law
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Dames, Dolls and Delinquents
Dames, Dolls and Delinquents
It's no secret the sexy and racy cover art of femme fatales from the golden age of paperbacks and magazines exalts the female form in all its sexy and sultry allure. Still today, these lustful, passionate and sometimes lurid images are enticing and artistically inspiring. From sexy, semi-dressed pin-up dolls to dangerous bad girls and deadly dames, many of these rare covers were painted by some of the most talented and collectible artists of the last 50 years, including popular American artists Robert Bonfils, Robert Maguire, Gene Bilbrew and Bill Ward, and British artists Reginald Heade and H.W. Perl. Always titillating, often tawdry, definitely not politically correct nor for the faint of heart, the nearly 700 full-color pulp fiction paperback cover images in this book show women in all their sexy, sassy and sinful best. This dynamic book also features: • 700 covers with title, author, cover artist, publisher, book number, and date of publication for each book • Values for three grades of condition • A quick guide to collecting • A list of specialist book dealers and collector shows
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This volume includes 25 wonderful, wondrous stories and two poems about cats, by major authors old and new. Included are: INTRODUCTION: ...IN THE DARK, by Robert Reginald SEVEN SAW MURDER, by G. T. Fleming-Roberts THE CATS, by H. P. Lovecraft (poem) THE HEMINGWAY KITTENS, by A. R. Morlan THE CAT AND THE BIRDS, by Aesop THE BEAST FROM THE ABYSS, by Robert E. Howard OUT OF PLACE, by Pamela Sargent THE FOX AND THE CAT, by the Brothers Grimm THE BLACK CAT, by Edgar Allan Poe THE CAT AND MOUSE IN PARTNERSHIP, by Andrew Lang NIPPER...NIP...NIP, by Robert Reginald TOBERMORY, by Saki (H. H. Munro) THE CAT, by E. F. Benson A PSYCHICAL INVASION, by Algernon Blackwood UNIVERSES, by A. R. Morlan (poem) THE VAMPIRE CAT OF NABESHIMA, by Lord Redesdale THE WOMAN AND THE CAT, by Marcel Prevost DICK BAKER'S CAT, by Mark Twain BEAST OF THE TARN, by John Russell Fearn MRS. MILLIGAN'S CAT, by Gary Lovisi A REVOLT OF THE GODS, by Ambrose Bierce MONTY'S FRIEND, by William Livingston Alden THE HEADLESS CAT, by Elliott O’Donnell ALL CATS ARE GRAY, by Andre Norton THE SLUM CAT, by Ernest Thompson Seton MY FATHER, THE CAT, by Henry Slesar THE BALLET OF THE CATS, by Sydney J. Bounds LETTERS FROM A CAT, by Helen Hunt Jackson And don't forget to search this ebook store for "Wildside Press Megapack" to see all the volumes in this ongoing series, including volumes of science fiction, fantasy, horror, westerns, adventure, mystery -- and much, much more!
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